our story
Well, if you have made it this far you are interested in our story – that’s cool!
We met while working at Resources Safety, Steve working as a Major Hazard Facility Inspector and Kim as the Executive Assistant to the Director.
As a government department there were lots of moving parts and people and things to do.
Over time, we became friends. We both had young daughters who we only saw part time and we were both single and interested in having fun with and without our girls.
More than friends – our story
Eventually we become more than friends. We moved in together, juggled having three girls, two girls, one girl and no girls in our monthly rotation.
We changed jobs and started a company together.
In 2008 we travelled to the Czech Republic for Kim’s brother’s wedding in a castle. Such a precious time.
A proposal or nine
Our story continues so, from there we took an overnight train to Venice. Steve proposed while overlooking the Grand Canal. He also proposed in Florence, Rome, Monte Carlo, Paris, London and Singapore as we slowly made our way home.
Kim said ‘yes’ each time. But Steve kept asking so he could brag that he asked in so many locations.
We got married on the 9/9/2009 in a hot air balloon with our girls and our mums. For that story visit ‘Up, up and away on our Wedding Day’ – coming soon.
Leaving home
From a young age we told our girls when they turned 18, we were leaving home. Not sure if they actually believed us but true to our word, we did.
We downsized and packed what was left in a storage unit. In 2016 we went travelling. At that time we created our KamarudinS website to share our journey.
Since then we moved back to Perth for a few years until we bought a sailboat – MIMPI.
Come explore with us.

Captain Steve
I was born in Melbourne, Australia. We lived in different parts of Malaysia before we settled in Perth, Western Australia (WA) when I was a teen.
I’ve always been fascinated in how things work and why. Much to my dad’s despair when I completely disassembled his brand-new lawn mower. It’s okay, I put it back together and it worked perfectly fine. I’ve pulled apart all sorts of things over the years from computers to engines.
Kim calls me a mega-nerd. I suppose I am after formal studies in Science, Engineering and Business coupled with a lifelong dedication to the childlike curiosity of “tell me why”.
I’ve worked around WA and Australia. I have specialised in risk and process safety work which is vast and challenging. I’ve worked on projects in Australia, Malaysia, Africa, South America, UAE, and France. When Kim and I set up our company it meant I could work as a consultant and have the flexibility to travel as well.
The loves of my life
My first marriage gave me two beautiful daughters who I treasure immensely. After meeting and marrying Kim I gained another daughter. Lucky me!
As well as loving to figure out how things worked, participating in outdoor activities is also a passion. I was a Scout, a Venturer, a Rover. In my late-teens and 20s I was a Sea Scout leader, teaching others the skills I learnt. This included camping, abseiling, orienteering and sailing.
I think I was 16 years old when I first went scuba diving. I fell in love with it, thus I have dived in hundreds of places around the world. Before having children, I even did some crazy cave diving – ask me about it sometime.
Considering all of the above it’s not surprising I love to travel. I’m lucky enough to have found someone who loves it as much as me. Yes, we enjoy different things and time for ourselves to enjoy those things – like Kim and her coffee which I cannot drink but that’s another story.
Together we are a team. I feel very lucky to have a ‘Special Friend’ who can put up with all my quirks and hyperactivity and travel and sail the world with me.

First mate Kim
Born and raised in Perth, Western Australia, I’ve lived there most of my life.
I’m the eldest of four – two sisters and a brother. When they were all in their early 20s travelling around the world I got married and had a baby. Then I got divorced. Then I remarried and got divorced again. Third time lucky I met Steve and we got married in 2009.
I finished high school and went straight to uni, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts double major in English and Media. Then, I jumped straight into the workforce as a journalist with a local newspaper group.
Born to write
Basically, I love to write. As a journalist I enjoyed the people stories and the ones that made a difference. I’ve always kept a journal, still do – they are great to look back on.
In 2006 Steve and I started a company that allows us to work for ourselves and do what each of us enjoy doing. For me, that’s Clear Blue Writing – I write, edit and create content for small business owners.
These days my love of writing also translates in to writing blogs. I’ve even ventured into the creative landscape of vlogs to share our story and adventures. It’s fun and I plan to keep doing it and writing blogs as we travel around.
As a fair-haired and fair-skinned human, I must be honest that I have been cautious of spending an excess amount of time in the sun. Instead, I was a ballet dancer, an indoor sport really and did that from the age of 5 until about 15.
Typically, I’ve always been the one slip, slop, slapping on the sunscreen or wearing a big hat and rashie – thanks Mum.
I mean I rode by bike to school every day, learnt how to windsurf, had a go at surfing and got my scuba diving qualifications. Loved each but I can’t just grab a board or a tank and head out. My participation in regular outdoor adventures started when I met Steve.
Turns out my excuse for not doing those things was not having someone really interested in doing them too. So, Steve took me scuba diving and the adventures grew from there.